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Familia Alegrett

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This FrontPage template package comes with the starter web site in .zip format. Unzip the package and start editing the pages. You may wish to keep a backup copy of the .zip in case you need to start over. We have included a basic site structure with common pages to help you get started. You may rename the pages, add more pages, and add your content.

Your template comes complete with all of the pages and images you see here. We also give you more details on the Getting Started page. Read through each page within this template for more information.

Is this template hard to use?

This template package uses CSS definitions and classes, FrontPage include files, FrontPage forms and other web components. Some basic FrontPage and HTML knowledge is recommended.

Can I change the template colors and images?

While you can modify some colors within the included CSS file, many of the components within this template use a graphic image to achieve gradient effects. View our Getting Started page for more details.

Can I use this free template for my web site?

Yes. We only have one small condition and that is you must leave our link in the footer area of each and every page, even if you create new pages based on this same design. If you publish this site to the web, you are required to send us an email along with your site URL. If you do not wish to leave the link to our site in place, you are required to purchase this template.

Template Information...

This template uses a series of tables to designate the page layout design. Each table cell has a CSS class applied to it which determines the font, size, color, and more. Several areas of this template are set as "include" pages. While this template is not difficult to work with, we recommend that you be familiar with the basic levels of FrontPage, HTML, and CSS.

Alfredo Alegrett © 2006 Pagina de entradaComunidadesFotosE-MailMensajes
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